What Is Pine Needle Shed and How Should You Respond to It?

Seasonal pine needle shed or drop is a natural process that some tree owners might find concerning. Although they are evergreens, pines experience seasonal needle shed as a process that typically occurs as needles older than 2-3 years end their lifespan and drop to the ground. Unlike most trees, which drop all their leaves in the autumn, pine trees only drop a certain percentage of their needles, typically determined by the amount of environmental stress present in their surroundings.

Pine Needle Shed Organic Fertilizer


Since the needle shedding process depends on environmental changes and stressors, it’s common for it to intensify in times of drought, when pines are particularly vulnerable. In these periods, the needles can get yellowish and brown, and they can fall off in greater numbers than normal.


Although if you notice a pine tree near your home shedding needles, you might be inclined to experience concern, the problem is not a new one, and it’s also not one that should be considered alarming. As long as the needle drop is not excessive, you won’t typically have to do anything to keep it under control, applying a local organic fertilizer Denver stores sell will help to eliminate needle shed.


Be mindful regarding white pines, as they show the most pronounced drops during periods of drought and change. Greater care has to be taken with these species, as they are somewhat more vulnerable compared to other types of pines.

Originally Posted over here: What Is Pine Needle Shed and How Should You Respond to It?


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