Tips for Spring Lawn Maintenance – Important Tasks You Will Need to Tend to

When spring comes, you’ll find that there are a lot of essential gardening tasks that you will need to tend to. Taking care of your lawn properly is one of them, and the necessity of spring lawn maintenance has been emphasized by experts throughout the world for a long time.Spring Aeration Organic Revive Fertilizer


One of the first things you need to look into is tidying up your lawn. This means pulling out unnecessary weeds that have grown throughout the area, and eliminating lingering dead leaves through raking. This simple task will allow nourishment, water and sunlight to get to your lawn more effectively, making each grass blade a little more resilient.


Aeration is another maintenance task that you have to consider. Although homeowners think of aeration as largely unneeded, most experts agree that aerating your soil by poking small holes into it to allow for better distribution of water and fertilizer can help nourish the roots of your grass more effectively and ultimately make the grass blades more resilient.  For the ultimate Spring lawn apply organic fertilizing products from


Finally, watering, mowing and fertilizing your lawn is essential in the spring. Also, if you notice there are patches where the grass has died out, it’s a good idea to remove the dead grass and overseed to compensate for its loss.

Original Post over here: Tips for Spring Lawn Maintenance – Important Tasks You Will Need to Tend to


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