What Is Bunny Burn and What Does It Mean for Your Lawn?

You probably already heard about how dog urine can really hurt your lawn by creating brown patches and causing you a lot of trouble when you try to fix everything. Well, dogs aren’t the only creatures that can create those kinds of problems. Rabbits that wonder into your yard in search of food, as well as the rabbits you have at home as pets for your children to play with can also cause brown spots in grass due to the nitrogen contained in their urine.Brown Spots From Bunnies In Grass


Nitrogen might be a key element for promoting the health of your garden, but too much of it can be quite harmful. That’s what happens when a bunny pees on your lawn. The nitrogen in the urine reacts with the grass and creates various brown spots commonly known as bunny burn. These unsightly patches are usually accompanied by a strong scent of ammonium that can turn the heads of your visitors quite fast, but not in the right way.


Getting rid of bunny burn and preventing it when possible is very important, not just because it’s unsightly but also because it can be harmful to the health of your lawn and soil. If the nitrogen isn’t counteracted somehow or prevented from reacting with your lawn, you might be looking at dead and dying blades of grass in the area and a need to then clean up the soil and overseed – or even replant entire patches of your lawn and start from scratch.



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