How to Deal with Aphids and Keep Your Garden Protected

Aphids can be a big problem for gardeners looking to keep their plants healthy. These tiny critters are soft-bodied insects that cluster on new plant growth and aim to suck the juices away. Most plants will not be too badly affected by the insects as long as the infestation isn’t too serious. However, the presence of the insects in greater numbers can spell a great deal of trouble, particularly since some plants could develop yellow leaves that fall off, or even distorted growths.

Revive For Garden Control Insects


Dealing with aphids and controlling their numbers is therefore essential for keeping your garden healthy. The short reproduction cycle of the insects and the larger quantities of nitrogen present on and around various plants can often spur the growth of aphid populations.


As a result, to control their growth, it is important to control the amount of nitrogen your plants are exposed to. Consider spraying your plants with water occasionally, to achieve that goal. Also, attracting beneficial insects such as ladybugs can help reduce quantities of aphids as well, since ladybugs commonly feast on the small insects.


Finally, you can also spray your plants with neem oil, which is derived from the neem tree. This oil is highly beneficial, as it can control aphids, along with a number of other harmful garden insects, as well as various fungal infections.  For Revive products that will help in this area, go to

First Seen here: How to Deal with Aphids and Keep Your Garden Protected


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