Thatch vs Mat – Exploring the Main Differences Between the Two

Even if you’re new to gardening, you probably heard about two terms that are frequently used among gardeners: mat and thatch. These two terms refer to two types of soil condition that can occur at times, and that are often mistakenly used interchangeably. Despite the fact that the two conditions are similar, they are certainly not the same, and dealing with one of them will not help you with the other – and vice versa.  The utilization of great lawn care products can help resolve both issues.lawn products for thatch and mat problems


Mat is the more common of the two – although both conditions can occur at the same time. In the case of mat, what happens is that an overgrown and tangled mass of living vegetation gets mixed up with the dirt of your garden, and the mass is usually associated with a spongy turf. Mat can cause problems when you’re considering starting your own garden, since the spongy soil will absorb a lot of the water and nutrients you add – seeing as it’s composed mainly of undecomposed roots and stems.


Thatch occurs at the surface of the soil, and it’s basically very similar. Thatch involves an accumulation of undecomposed, dead pieces of plants and leaves. While mat is alive, thatch is mostly dead (although not always completely), so that makes a huge difference in the impact that both conditions might have on your soil and garden.

Original Post right here: Thatch vs Mat – Exploring the Main Differences Between the Two


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