What Causes Brown Spots on the Grass and How Can You Get Rid of Them?

When planting your lawn, one of the most important things to consider is how the presence of pets – especially dogs – can affect it. In many places, dogs are taken out in the garden to do their business, and when they’re not properly trained or supervised, they can end up marking their territory on your precious lawn. This is often the main cause of brown spots in grass, and if left unchecked, the problem can usually degenerate in damaged and dead grass that ultimately has to be cleaned up and replaced.get rid of lawn Brown spots


Depending on whether you want to employ a preventive or reactive practice of dealing with this issue, there are several things you can do:


  • You can discourage your dog from going to your lawn or even getting close to it. You can do so by training them, using an electronic or a normal fence, or supervising him closely when you take him outside.
  • Before you’re able to train your dog, you can also leave him on a longer leash, and use water or water-based organic compounds that can be sprinkled on the lawn after your dog does his business. The result will be that the nitrogen in the urine will be diluted, so it won’t cause so much damage to the grass.

First Posted on: What Causes Brown Spots on the Grass and How Can You Get Rid of Them?


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