Salvaging Soil and Revitalizing Your Lawn: Can You Save Your Lawn with Fertilizer?

When buying a new home, or sometimes after re-planting the same lawn for years on end, homeowners might notice that the lawn no longer grows as healthy or as appealing as it did in the past. While treating it with various solutions can help in certain instances, it won’t be a permanent solution, and you might find yourself at a critical crossroads, where you have to figure out a way to salvage your lawn.revitalize liquid fertilizer organic water


The problem is usually in the soil, and it won’t be solved before you can address it at the root – ironically enough. This is where using proper organic liquid fertilizer comes in. The idea is that you will have to switch to a type of natural, slow-release fertilizer that will not only provide all the suitable nutrients for your soil in just the right amounts, but will also aim to release it slowly into the ground. Failing to do so will deprive the soil of valuable nourishment, and most of the nutrients might even be washed away entirely as you water your lawn.


It’s also a good idea that, aside from getting a viable type of slow-release fertilizer, you also check the pH of your soil and consider talking to a gardening expert about ways that you can tweak the pH to meet the requirements of the type of grass you want to plant. That way, you won’t run into any more complications in the future, as your lawn grows tall and happy.

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