Taking Proper Care of Your Lawn – What Can You Do about Crab Grass?

Crab grass is an opportunistic type of plant that a lot of homeowners tend to struggle with. The main issue with crab grass is that it is persistent, and it tends to take away precious nutrients from your healthy lawn, leading to your lawn succumbing more easily to disease. Getting rid of crab grass is, therefore, a very important task that you need to keep track of.lawn care remove crab grass products


The best approach in killing crab grass and avoiding any adverse effects that could damage your lawn as well, is to use natural herbicide targeting only the crab grass itself. Timing is critical, since crab grass has a very dynamic growth cycle, and if left unchecked, each plant can release up to 150,000 seeds, which would eliminating the problem entirely a very difficult job.


The most critical thing to remember is to apply your herbicide right when the soil temperature reaches about 60 degrees. For newly seeded lawns, however, it’s important to allow your lawn to become a little bit more robust before acting and using organic lawn care products to promote growth. Wait until you mow your lawn at least three time before applying the herbicide in this case.


Pulling out crab grass can be equally as effective as using herbicide, but it depends on how deeply rooted the crab grass plants are. If the roots go very deep, the task will be difficult, not to mention that you might end up damaging your lawn quite severely in the process as well.

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