Brown Spots In Grass – How Should You Get Rid Of Them

If grass turns brown in some places, this can be caused by adult dog urine or too much fertilizer. Brown spots are not just unaesthetic and destroy the aspect of your entire lawn, but they are a sign that something unhealthy occurred there, burning the grass. Adult dog urine is rich in nitrogen, just like excess fertilizer, and this substance is what causes the problem.  Here's how to bring back dead grass from dog urine spots:

dog dead grass from urine brown spots

CAREFUL! If you exceed the recommended fertilizer doses, it can burn your lawn and destroy it permanently. Even some natural fertilizers can burn the lawn, if they are added in excess!

To get rid of the brown spots in the grass, start by reseeding those portions of the lawn, but not before you have thoroughly raked the areas, to remove dead grass, which must also be collected and thrown away.

Fill a 1 gallon bucket with equal amounts of topsoil and grass seeds. For a uniform aspect, make sure to choose grass seeds matching grass species that are already growing in your yard. Consult the grass seed bag for the right amount of seeds to use, based on the size of the brown spots. Mix the seeds and soil well, then place the mixture on the affected portions of the lawn.

Use a granular, root-stimulating fertilizer and water each patched portion until the soil is moist to a depth of 1 inch.

Article Source on: Brown Spots In Grass – How Should You Get Rid Of Them


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