How To Make Grass Green Organically And Safely

The lawn can provide a special look to your yard, elegant and neat, but in order tohow to landscape obtain green grass have a lawn like that, a series of measures and efforts are required. Simply throwing seeds on the soil will not guarantee obtaining a beautiful lawn and leaves you with the question of how to make grass green.

Organic fertilization is an efficient, environmentally friendly and often cheaper way to add the necessary nutrients to the soil. Here are the most common natural fertilizers, what chemicals they contain and how to use them to enjoy a beautiful green lawn.

Types of natural fertilizers

  • Organic fertilizers: they consist of manure or plant debris. Organic fertilizer is applied so that the fresh organic matter does not come into contact with the roots of the plants (they can burn them). The materials must either be turned into compost before planting, or placed on the surface and incorporated 5-10 cm deep, by plowing the soil.
  • Natural mineral fertilizers: represent the next stage, after organic fertilization, and are used in small quantities to balance organic matter. Insoluble minerals used as fertilizers may include algae, calcium carbonates, natural phosphates and rock powder.
  • Soil amendments: they are used to improve the physical and biological properties of the soil, mainly to correct the pH. For example, calcium and limestone are used for alkaline soils, and calcium sulphate (gypsum) and sulfur are used for acidic soils.



Article Source on: How To Make Grass Green Organically And Safely


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