Why Is Organic Soil Treatment Better For You Lawn In The Long Term?

The level and availability of each element in the soil varies depending on the type of soil (sandy, loamy, clayey). Sandy soils tend to lose nutrients more easily due to their low ability to retain them. In this case, nutrient levels must be monitored more frequently than in other terrain.

soil treatment lawn fertilizer use


To determine what nutrients are needed and in what quantity, a soil analysis should be done. The best lawn fertilizer must then be chosen after a careful assessment of the needs of the area. We must not forget the desired aesthetic characteristics, environmental variables (climate, exposure), the species that make up the lawn, the intended use of the lawn (recreation, sports, ornamental) and the type of maintenance (frequency and height of mowing, removal of pruning residues).


Organic fertilizers come from the degradation of plant or animal organisms. They are used to provide a source of nutrients of organic origin, with less nitrogen than non-organic sources because degradation depends on the microbial activity of the soil to decompose and make it available for absorption by the plant. This requires a biologically "active" soil with temperatures above 10° and the presence of a sufficient level of humidity.


The main advantages in the long run of organic fertilizers for the lawn are their lack of toxicity and the good level of microbial activity provided to the soil.

Article Source on: Why Is Organic Soil Treatment Better For You Lawn In The Long Term?


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