How Can Lawn Fertilizer Save My Dead Lawn?

If your lawn has lost its beauty because dry patches keep appearing one after the other, one of the best ways to cure your turf is by adding the right type of fertilizer. Many things can kill your lawn, the principle causes being incorrect lawn care, fungal infestations and burning by animal urine, but they can all be remedied if you serve your grass proper food. Here are some tips how to revive your dead lawn:

Dead lawn treat grass dog urine products

  • Remove the dead leaves – dead grass leaves will not come back to life, but if the roots still have life, your turf will recover. To make that easier, try to eliminate all the dead grass from the affected area,
  • Use an organic fertilizer – the best type to use is compost, either made by you, using the organic waste from your household or bought from a garden store. Apply a generous amount of the fertilizer in the affected area to treat grass for dog urine – don’t worry, organic products and compost release their nutrient content slowly, so you will not harm your lawn by giving it too much;
  • Water generously – you need your fertilizer to reach to the roots, so soak the treated patch after you have added the fertilizer. Repeat the watering every couple of days – you will soon see the new leaves appear.

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