My Grass Is Dead, Should I Just Reseed?

If you have dead patches on your lawn, you are surely desperate to find the right solution to bring your grass back to life. Fortunately, all you will need for resuscitating your lawn is some grass seeds, some organic lawn care products such as a liquid organic fertilizer, water and a little perseverance. Here is how to do it:

lawn care revive grass grow green lawn

  • Clean the affected area – mow the lawn in the affected spot with the mower at the lowest setting, then remove all the clippings and rake the area, too. If you consider that the soil is too hard, decompact it by poking a few holes in the ground. If you are faced with large areas of dead lawn, you can rent an aerator tool to make the task easier;
  • Spread your seeds – apply your new seeds according to the instructions, then rake them in;
  • Apply a fertilizer – spread some sort of lawn starter fertilizer, preferably an organic product or compost;
  • Protect the area – cover the freshly seeded area with mulch or hay to protect the seeds from pests;
  • Water the area – apply a generous quantity of water on the affected area, then keep watering until you see the new leaves appearing. It will take up to a couple of weeks for your lawn to show the signs of recovery.

Originally Posted right here: My Grass Is Dead, Should I Just Reseed?


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