Should I Aerate My Lawn?

Your grass as well as the soil that it grows in need to be able to breathe, but on most turfs, the soil will sooner or later become hard and unable to let air in and that can kill the grass, too. Aeration is the name of the procedure used for decompacting your soil by poking holes into it at certain distances.


lawn care fertilizing aerating seeding

Every lawn needs to be aerated, regardless of the composition of the soil – watering and traffic will eventually lead to compaction anyway. The best period for aeration depends on the type of grass that you have – for warm-season grass, the best time for aeration is spring, right after the soil has thawed, while for cool-season grasses, fall is the ideal period.


The best way to aerate your lawn is to rent an aeration equipment from a garden store – the manual tool consists of a handle attached to a roller with spikes that will poke holes of about two or three inches deep. To make the process easier, you can water the lawn the day before you aerate it, but be careful, too much water will create a layer of mud and will make the aeration impossible. You can also combine the aeration process with the overseeding necessary to make your turf stronger and healthier.  Make sure to apply organic products from to help your lawn throughout the Fall and Winter months.

Original Post here: Should I Aerate My Lawn?


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