With Drought Conditions, How Do I Get Enough Water on My Grass?

Having access to enough water is essential for any grass variety, even for drought tolerant grass species. However, dry spells usually come with official water usage restrictions – even though watering through your sprinkles might seem like the perfect and the simplest solution, it is not always an option. Fortunately, grass is clever and most species go dormant during hot, dry periods to be able to survive in periods when water is scarce and you can also help your grass. Here are some techniques to help your grass during drought:


drought tolerant products for grass little moisture

  • Adjust the mowing height – leaving your grass longer during droughty periods is a good method to retain more moisture in the soil. Make sure that the blades of your mower are very sharp and aim for the height of about 2.5-3 inches;


  • Water when it is necessary and pick the right time of the day – irrigate only when your grass starts to wilt (when you see that your grass leaves are folded into two) and only in the morning, preferable before 8 AM. That way, your grass can absorb all the goodness from the water during the day and also enjoy the moisture that comes with the dew in the evening;


  • Don’t fertilize – the purpose of fertilization is to encourage growth, but new leaves are sensitive to drought, so you should skip feeding sessions until your plants can have access to sufficient water again.

Original Post on: With Drought Conditions, How Do I Get Enough Water on My Grass?


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