Best Time of Day to Mow your Lawn

Lawn mowing is the solution for a dense and lush-looking lawn. Moreover, mowing gives the lawn greater resistance to traffic and reduces weeds. Although this operation takes some time, the benefits will convince you that it is worth investing your time in mowing the lawn correctly. Frequency, mowing height and tools used are among the factors that essentially contribute to a healthy lawn.

best time to mow lawn care products

It is ideal to mow the lawn once or twice a week during periods of accelerated growth, and three times a month during periods of normal growth. You will surely notice a difference in the aspect of your lawn, once you start doing these operations on a regular basis, applying organic lawn care products benefits your lawn.

During the hot periods especially, the lawn has to be watered in the morning, when it is still cool, or in the evening, after the sunset. Be sure to use a sprinkler, so that the water reaches the roots. If there is too little water, it will stop on the leaves and evaporate, without having any effect on the lawn.

When precipitation is not present, the lawn should usually be watered once a day, when the sun does not shine, for 20-30 minutes. Be sure to spray the lawn so that the water reaches the roots. Areas exposed to the sun will be watered more than shadier areas.

Watering will be done with a hose provided with a diffuser, as a stronger jet can cause soil erosion. Care must be taken to distribute the water evenly.

First Posted over here: Best Time of Day to Mow your Lawn


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