Lawn Damage From Rabbits.  How to fix it?

In summer, rabbits are some of the most unbearable pests. Rodents have the habit of enjoying the most diverse garden plants and even the lawn. Therefore, to get rid of rabbits, a good idea might be to choose plants that are not to their liking. However, it might not work as well as you expect, because rabbits are not pretentious animals and generally tend to eat many different plant types. In addition, their preferences vary from one animal to another, so that plants consumed in a garden by certain rabbits can be avoided.


soil treatment for rabbits on lawn

But this is not the only lawn problem rabbits cause.


When an animal, such as a rabbit, urinates on your lawn, the nitrogen in the urine reacts with the grass creating brown spots, called grass burns. If you have a wild rabbit visiting your yard or a rabbit as a pet that you allow access to your lawn, neutralizing urine helps protect your lawn from unsightly areas with diseased grass, areas that give off an unpleasant odor of ammonia. . Knowing the proper steps to soil treatment to neutralize rabbit urine allows you to restore your lawn to a lush green and eliminate harmful odors from your property.

First Posted over here: Lawn Damage From Rabbits.  How to fix it?


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