Deciding on How Often You should Put Fertilizer on Your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn can be a painstaking task if you have a large property, but thankfully you don’t necessarily have to do it that frequently. The idea behind fertilizing your lawn is that you need to top off the nutrients in your soil to enable your grass to grow healthy and strong.

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For best results, most gardening experts will recommend that you fertilize your lawn about four times every year, if you’re using slow-release fertilizer. This means the fertilizer is in the form of granules that will release their nutrients slowly over the course of their decomposition process. When you use organic liquid fertilizer or other types of products that have a faster release process, then you might need to use them a little more frequently, as well as in a lower amount each time.


Of course, it’s also important to use organic fertilizer to ensure that your lawn will not be affected by any harmful chemicals.


As for the timing, you should consider fertilizing your lawn for the first time when the temperature of the soil reaches a comfortable 55 degrees – usually in late March or April, depending on where you live. After your initial fertilizer application in spring, it’s typically best to wait 6-8 weeks between applications, scheduling your second application so that you can give your lawn an extra boost before the hottest weeks of summer.

First Seen here: Deciding on How Often You should Put Fertilizer on Your Lawn


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