How Can You Prevent Dogs from Urinating on Your Lawn?

When you own one or more dogs, it can be difficult to deal with all of their needs, especially when it comes to taking them out to do their business, and it might leave you asking how to bring back dead grass from dog urine spots.train dog keep dog urine spots dead grass at bay


Of course, you can keep your dog inside and take them out each time while monitoring where they urinate and prevent them from doing it on the lawn, but that isn’t always practical. If you organize a barbecue in your back yard, for example, and you let your kids play with the dog outside, there’s no guarantee that the dog won’t get on your lawn when you least expect it.


Dog training methods work for young pups and adult dogs alike. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? By using treats and positive reinforcement, you can teach your dog to prefer a certain spot far away from your lawn or to just go anywhere other than your lawn.


A wireless dog fence can also be a good idea. These fences emit a signal that only dogs can perceive, and can effectively be placed around your lawn so that the dog will avoid that area.


For older dogs, it’s also a good idea to use diapers whenever possible. Some of them might not have good enough control over their bladder anymore, so a good diaper and harness might be the best choice in such cases.

First Seen over here: How Can You Prevent Dogs from Urinating on Your Lawn?


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