How Much Water Does Your Lawn Really Require?

Knowing how much water your lawn needs on a regular basis might seem like a straightforward thing, but it’s not as easy to determine as most people would think. The problem is that you can’t really predict the amount of precipitation you’ll get each week, and it’s also hard to keep track of other factors, such as how strong the sunlight will be.Water How Much Lawn Care Revive


Lawn health depends on keeping a balance between water, nutrition and sunlight, and you’ll find that aiming for that balance in and of itself will already require you to do quite a bit of research.


For most types of lawns, you’ll find that a number of 1 ½ inches of water per week will be enough. Water them much more than that and you’ll find yourself dealing with various unwanted fungi and your lawn will start to drawn. Water them too little, and the grass blades might curl up and become brown.


As you read up on the climate in your area, you might find that it’s presented along with a value of precipitation per year. You can adjust your sprinkler system to complement for that value on average for each week, but for ideal results, it’s also good to adjust it each week depending on weather forecasts, so for example, you won’t have it running during weeks when it’s raining almost every day.  Get more great products for your lawn and apply them

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