Is It Important to Remove Leaves from My Lawn Before Winter?

Many people believe that winter maintenance doesn’t consist of much when it comes to taking care of their lawns. After all, the grass doesn’t grow, and typically all you’d have to do is wait for the spring to come, when you can fertilize again and the cycle is renewed. This isn’t necessarily true, however, as lawn maintenance can be somewhat complicated, and there are very important tasks you need to perform before winter, too.first snow covered leaves organic lawn care tips


One of these is the removal of dead leaves. Even though some people prefer to keep the leaves where they are, the issue with keeping them there is that they can block aerated lawns from receiving enough air and water, and their slow decomposition means that they don’t contribute with too many nutrients while they’re there.


While removing the leaves entirely is an option, you can also choose to shred them into smaller pieces to facilitate the decomposition process and allow them to stay as a source of food for your lawn and a great organic lawn care step. If you have a lot of leaves on or around your lawn, rake them into piles, then use a mulching mower to mow them into tiny pieces, before spreading them on top of your lawn as a source of nutrition for the grass.

First Posted over here: Is It Important to Remove Leaves from My Lawn Before Winter?


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