Should You Do Anything to Help Your Lawn This Winter?

Mowing, watering and generally tending to the lawn is a practice that is normally reserved for summer, spring and to a lesser extent, autumn. However, many gardeners are saying that homeowners can still help their lawns stay healthy and keep brown patches on lawn gone by taking a few simple measures during the wintertime.dry lawn brown patches dry winter


Preparing your lawn for winter should be one of your most important goals. To do that, it’s essential to first know more about your local climate. Is it really cold during the winter (to the point of freezing)? Or does it just get to temperatures of just over 40-50 degrees? If the soil tends to freeze, then you have to aerate your lawn and treat it with winter fertilizer before that time comes. Aerating ensures that the soil is able to receive water and nutrients more efficiently, and winter fertilizer is a special type of slow release fertilizer that does wonders to keep your lawn strong throughout the coldest months of winter.


Covering the lawn with a plastic cover is also a great measure, as it will protect it from the cold and keep it healthy. The grass can then resurface once the spring comes without any worries that it might be overly affected by the cold.

Original Post here: Should You Do Anything to Help Your Lawn This Winter?


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