How Does a Soil Wetting Agent Help Your Compacted Lawn Soil?

A soil wetting agent can be extremely helpful when your soil has turned hydrophobic. In the case of hydrophobic soil, the water tends to pool at the surface instead of being drawn in to wet and feed your lawn and plants. As such, a wetting agent needs to be used in order to reduce the effects of repelling and ensure that the surface tension of the water is diminished to enhance infiltration.soil wetting treatment good ground


Soil wetting agents designed for water repelling soils can do a lot to make your plants grow faster and stronger and make sure that all those vital nutrients reach your seeds before they sprout. By applying soil treatment wetting agents to your soil, you can effectively reduce the surface tension of the water droplets, ensuring that they get absorbed into the soil more easily.


While common products such as soap can be used for this purpose, only a very small amount of soap (a few drops, maybe) can be used safely while mixed with water to produce the desired effect. In most cases, it’s better to either mix a homemade formula for producing a more effective wetting agent, or purchase a high quality soil wetting agent online or from your local store.

The post How Does a Soil Wetting Agent Help Your Compacted Lawn Soil? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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