Should You Be Concerned About Dog Urine Harming Your Grass?

A lot of homeowners tend to be very concerned when their dog urinates on the lawn and how to treat grass for dog urine spots. It’s common practice to even use various homemade formulas to try to neutralize the active ingredients in the urine that could potentially harm the lawn. However, this won’t be necessary in most cases.

dog pee treat grass for urine spots


Dog urine can indeed kill grass if there’s a lot of it. However, in smaller quantities it won’t do much damage, and your grass will continue to grow quite healthy without even turning brown. However, when your dog picks a spot and keeps urinating there, that’s when there will be a problem.


As the pooch continues to urinate on the lawn, the risk is that too much nitrogen and other harmful compounds will make it into the soil. Also, the pH of the urine can unbalance the soil in such a way that it can become deadly for any plant that tries to grow in the area.


If this happens, you have to start by using a solution of water and vinegar or baking soda in order to neutralize the pH of the urine. Then simply work on training your dog to find another spot to pee, and discourage him from urinating on the lawn. You can use various training methods or even a pet fence to keep your little friend away from the areas you want to protect.

The post Should You Be Concerned About Dog Urine Harming Your Grass? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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