Should You Worry About Your Colorado Lawn Turning Brown During Winter?

In dry areas, it’s common for grass to turn brown in the winter in order to conserve water. While this doesn’t always happen, it can become a problem when you realize your grass might actually be dead or dying. An easy way to check for that is by increasing the irrigation slightly. If your lawn is not dead, then it will respond to the increased water supply.brown patches winter lawn care


The biggest problem with brown patches on lawn is that it’s a sign that your lawn might be weakened and that it could end up dying when faced with extreme conditions such as freezing temperatures and dryness of the soil. As such, it’s important to take a few precautions beforehand in order to prevent your lawn from becoming brown in the first place.


What you can do is use a special winter fertilizer on your soil which will provide it with vital nutrients throughout the winter season. That way, your grass will be strong enough to resist, and you won’t have to worry that it might die. Also, it’s a good idea to aerate the soil before it freezes and  water your lawn regularly during the winter, even if the amount of water you use is just a fraction of what you’d use during the summer or spring.

The post Should You Worry About Your Colorado Lawn Turning Brown During Winter? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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