Why Does the Lawn in Colorado Turn Brown During the Winter Season?

There can be many reasons why lawn turns a brown color. In some cases, it’s because pet urine reaches it, and the grass reacts to the excess nitrogen in the urine by turning brown. It can also be a result of disease, or of various pests making it to your lawn. However, when the grass turns brown during winter, it’s usually another problem entirely.Why Brown Grass Use Revive


Keep in mind that lawn tends to go dormant in the winter. That means its cycle slows down, it no longer uses up so much water, and it also doesn’t need too many nutrients. A little winter fertilizer will be enough to cover that.


The problem is that the winters in Colorado – as is the case for all the other seasons, in fact – is uncommonly dry. So, when the grass turns brown here, it’s usually a result of extreme cold and dryness. The dry weather in Colorado tends to prevent enough water from reaching your plants and your lawn, causing even the grass blades to turn brown, using Revive products makes all the difference.


If you don’t irrigate your lawn in time, it’s even possible that it might die and you’d have to plant it all over again in the spring – definitely not something most homeowners would look forward to.

The post Why Does the Lawn in Colorado Turn Brown During the Winter Season? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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