10 Things to Do This Spring to Get Your Lawn Ready for the Summer

In the spring, lawn maintenance is extremely crucial. If you ask just about any expert in the field of gardening, they will tell you that failing to perform the right maintenance tasks at this time can result in disease and even death, as the lawn needs to be nurtured carefully as it wakes from its winter slumber.

Spring lawn to do list brown spots revive


  1. The first thing you need to do in the spring is to rake and remove the dead leaves that have fallen on your lawn in the autumn time and give extra attention to the brown spots in grass.
  2. You can choose to keep the leaves to use as part of your compost later on.
  3. Next, make sure you inspect your lawn for damage incurred during the winter.
  4. If you discover any pests or brown patches, make sure you address those areas before going any further.
  5. The next thing to do is to re-seed areas where dead patches of grass had to be removed. Some recommend overseeding here, while others believe overseeding isn’t a true necessity.
  6. Remove any unwanted weeds and check for pests. You can remove pests and mites naturally by using methods to encourage beneficial snails, insects and birds to come near your lawn.
  7. Aerate your lawn to ensure that it gets enough air, water and nutrients.
  8. Use a rich, organic, slow-release fertilizer when it comes time to fertilize your lawn.
  9. Establish how much water you want to use for your lawn, and check to see if it needs correcting at any time.
  10. When deciding on how much and how frequently to water your lawn, make sure you also keep in mind the properties of the climate and precipitation conditions in your area.

The post 10 Things to Do This Spring to Get Your Lawn Ready for the Summer appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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