How to Maximize Snow Melt for Your Lawn and Keep It Safe

In the winter, it’s very important to make sure that you can melt the snow off your lawn as easily as possible. Snow and frost can cause a lot of damage to your fragile grass blades, and in the spring that translates into a lot of money and time spent trying to fix the problem and get your lawn looking great again.  Revive products can help provide soil nutrients to help your lawn through the toughest of winters.maximize snow melt revive products help lawn


One of the best ways to melt snow on and around your lawn is by applying sand. While other materials might harm your lawn, sand is harmless. Its moisture absorbing properties, however, will have your lawn looking fresh and dry as the snow slowly begins to disappear.


If you’re planning to use chemicals for it, then most experts can tell you that it’s not very safe. Probably the safest chemical you can apply to melt the snow is calcium chloride. This compound is able to melt snow even at very low temperatures, so you can spray a little bit on your lawn before the snow starts to fall, and you should get ideal results.


Great care has to be taken when using chemical compounds or heating your lawn artificially. Any physical or chemical intervention that isn’t natural can have a strong negative impact on your lawn and its short term and long term health.

The post How to Maximize Snow Melt for Your Lawn and Keep It Safe appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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