How to Prevent Lawn Mites or Deal With Them Once They Are Present

Grass mites can be a real problem for anyone trying to maintain a clean and healthy lawn. Of course, preventing grass mites is your best option, but if you find yourself faced with a large scale infestation, then you might want to consider methods of dealing with the problem.closeup picture of lawn mites care products


Some experts recommend insecticide lawn care products that include substances such as bifenthrin or lambda-cyhalothrin. However, even though this method works quite well, chemicals added to your lawn could have a negative effect over time. As such, most gardeners will tell you that there are better and more sustainable ways to get rid of mites without adversely affecting your grass and soil:


  • One approach is that you can try to remove any attractants from your yard. They are mostly attracted by fruit trees and gardens, so one option is to relocate your lawn, garden or trees, depending on which option is the more practical one.
  • Keep your food covered. This applies especially to outdoor picnics and barbecues that you might be organizing when it’s warm and sunny outside. The food will attract mites, so it’s best to take precautions against that.
  • You can also consider using methods to attract birds. Build a bird house, feed birds close to your lawn, and encourage the presence of critters and insects that are harmless to plants and grass, but that can act as food source for the birds.

The post How to Prevent Lawn Mites or Deal With Them Once They Are Present appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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