Discouraging Rabbits from Getting to Your Lawn – Grass and Herbs to Plant

If you suspect that rabbits are present around your home and that they might get on your lawn, it’s important to take measures against them. Rabbits are cute and fluffy, but they can easily become pests that will eat through your lawn and vegetable garden and rabbits grazing can leave brown patches on lawn. As such, getting them to go away will be integral to keeping your lawn and garden healthy and happy.

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While humane traps and fences can be efficient at getting the job done, you might not want the rabbits to be harmed in any way, and a fence around your garden might not look too great. Also, keeping a dog in your yard at all time might discourage rabbits, but it could be bad for the dog – especially if you live in an area with a cooler climate.


Probably the best method is to plant grasses, plants and herbs that will discourage rabbits or at least make them lose interest in your garden. Planting some annuals and bulbs that rabbits avoid could help. These might include columbine, spider flower, marigold or even a cactus. Ferns like hollyhock and lavender will also do the trick, and most rabbits will stay away from herbs such as mint, oregano and tarragon.

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