How Early Should You Mow Your Lawn During the Weekend?

So it’s Saturday morning, and you woke up earlier than usual. The lawnmower is close by, and you’re thinking this might be the best time to mow your lawn, get a bit of fresh air and start the day in with an active and upbeat attitude. But what’s the right time to do it?morning hours mowing grass apply revive products healthy lawn


Experts are fairly sure that mowing your lawn too early could be pretty bad – for a number of reasons. Mowing before 8 AM can make you have to deal with the wet, dewy grass, and your mower will definitely not enjoy that. It could even produce clumps and unsightly tracks, and it could also be damaged when a larger portion of the clumpy grass gets stuck in it.


Most gardeners will agree that the earliest time you can safely mow your lawn is around 8-9 AM. That’s because at this time the grass has already dried, and it will typically be standing tall already. Mowing the lawn during these hours will leave your grass looking shiny and appealing, and the entire process will be very smooth, easy and fast. So you don’t have to wait for the later hours of afternoon (and even evening in the summer), when the temperature starts to go down and you can consider mowing your lawn.  In the evening you can apply organic revive products from to ensure a healthy vibrant lawn.

The post How Early Should You Mow Your Lawn During the Weekend? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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