What Are the Best Ways to Keep Dogs Off Your Lawn?

Dogs are wonderful creatures who love to have fun and enjoy themselves outside. That’s something that no one can (nor should they) take away from our canine companions. However, there are times when they can do some harm, especially to your carefully maintained lawn, which has no means of protecting itself.  Keep in mind applying Revive products can help immensely though.dog lawn care revive products green grass


Fortunately, you can do a lot in order to keep your dogs off your lawn effectively:


  1. Start by training your dog to urinate in another place. If you keep conditioning them to go next to a specific tree or a bush, then they will be less likely to pay regular visits to the greener side of your lawn.
  2. Sometimes training takes longer, especially for older dogs. In the meantime, you can keep them off your lawn by planting various plants and citrus fruit around it that might have strong smells. Garlic and onion in particular are good candidates, and many dogs will steer clear of them.
  3. Get an invisible fence for dogs. There are fences that consist of just some wires and an electrical setup setting a perimeter around your lawn to create a signal that will repel your dogs and keep them away from the lawn area. These types of fences are highly effective as well as one of the most harmless ways to keep your dog off your lawn.

The post What Are the Best Ways to Keep Dogs Off Your Lawn? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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