What Month Should You Start to Fertilize Your Lawn?

Fertilizing your lawn is an important thing to do regardless of the type of grass you own. Proper fertilization is necessary in order to ensure that your lawn grows to be happy, healthy and robust enough to tackle everything that nature throws at it.

It's Spring Time Revive Your Lawn Best Fertilizer


The main time everybody thinks about when considering fertilizing their lawn is spring. In most cases, springtime is the best time, since that’s when temperatures begin to rise as the winter passes and summer is on the horizon. Depending on the climate, the specific time here can differ. In most cases, you will have to wait until the ground reaches a temperature of around 60-70 degrees.


Another time when you might want to consider fertilizing your lawn is right before winter. That’s when you have to prepare the lawn for the cold season, and you’ll find that it won’t do very well without proper nourishment. A winter fertilizer will be needed for that purpose, and it’s good to make sure that it’s an organic, slow-release fertilizer that your grass will be able to enjoy for a while.


These considerations will help you make sure that your lawn grows well and that it’s properly protected from the elements. If you’re not sure as to whether or not you’re doing the right thing, consider contacting a professional gardener to ask them any questions or have them help you pick up and use the best lawn fertilizer.

The post What Month Should You Start to Fertilize Your Lawn? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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