How Often Should You Water Your Grass Seeds for Best Results?

If you want to make sure that you’re watering your grass seeds properly, you’ll have to adjust the amount of water you add to them on a weekly basis. However, even though many experts will recommend limiting the amount of water to about an inch once or twice a week, the problem is that this approach cannot be applied to all situations.sowing grass seed revive lawn


You have to consider the fact that your climate might be less than ideal when it comes to encouraging the seeds to grow properly with that amount of water. In some cases, it’s simply not enough, while in others it might even be a little too much.


If it constantly rains where you live or humidity levels are too high, then you might consider allowing nature to take care of your lawn for you. Of course, even then you might have to add a little extra water from time to time. In contrast, dry areas will require a lot more water, especially if the sun blazes above all day long and leads to most of the water being evaporated.


The type of soil you have will also lead to the water being either retained or drained too quickly. The rule of thumb is to add more water if your soil is dry and porous, and add less if it’s clay-like and constantly moist.  Find the best organic fertilizer and lawn products at

The post How Often Should You Water Your Grass Seeds for Best Results? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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