What Can You Do to Make Sure Rabbits Stay Off Your Lawn

Do you have a problem with rabbits? In many cases, you’d be justified to say yes, if rabbits are constantly attacking your garden and getting on your lawn. Keeping the lawn in perspective, you have to make sure that it remains healthy despite rabbits being pretty common in your area. Here are a few tips to keep them from causing brown patches on lawn on what to do about it:

lawn care brown spots from rabbits


  • The first thing you can do is get rid of any cover that rabbits might have. If the lawn is too exposed, they won’t go there, since they will want to be close to any bushes and trees that could offer extra cover.
  • You can also add a barrier fence or an invisible fence to protect the lawn from rabbits and other pests. For rabbits alone, a barrier fence will be enough, as they won’t risk getting trapped inside the fence by jumping over it, especially if there already isn’t much cover from predators.
  • Keep a dog in your yard. This is probably the easiest remedy, as dogs can quickly frighten rabbits and get them to run away.
  • Spray your yard and lawn with rabbit repellent. You can get these solutions at your local garden store or order them online for a pretty affordable cost. The result will be that rabbits will definitely avoid the area where you sprayed your rabbit repellent.

The post What Can You Do to Make Sure Rabbits Stay Off Your Lawn appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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