How to Easily Prepare and Repair Your Lawn for Drought Season

Before drought season, you will want to make sure that your lawn is in good order and that it’s resilient enough to withstand a period when it might not get as much water as it normally should. The main issue is that without water your grass could become very vulnerable, and it’s possible that part of it would dry off completely so you’d have to replant it.drought keep grass green no brown spots


To repair your lawn before drought season, consider the following advice:


  • Examine the lawn and make sure that there are no brown spots in grass and no weeds. Remove any weeds and treat brown spots if possible, or replant areas affected too heavily by disease.
  • Water and nourish your lawn properly before drought season, so it will survive more easily. Consider also checking the soil’s pH and adjusting it to an ideal value.
  • Make sure that the soil isn’t too sandy in the area where you plan to plant your lawn. Sandy soil tends to allow water to flow through it easily. This is one of those times when a soil that has a greater content of clay rather than sand might actually be favorable.
  • Get expert advice on the right type of organic fertilizer to use for your lawn. It’s usually best to opt for a slow release fertilizer that doesn’t release its nutrients too quickly.

The post How to Easily Prepare and Repair Your Lawn for Drought Season appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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