Should You Really Think About Overseeding to Get a Greener Lawn?

Sometimes overseeding is good and sometimes it’s not recommended. That’s usually how it goes with getting that mythical green lawn that everyone is talking about, and you’ll find that the success of any choice you make will depend on a number of important factors.Did You Know Organic Lawn Care Steps


First of all, what is the climate like? If it’s very dry and hot, and the grass has to compete for water and nutrients a lot, then overseeding doesn’t make a lot of sense. Chances are that you’ll get patches of grass that are healthy mixed with other patches that look like they are about to die.


Knowing how to overseed is also very important. In some climates, overseeding works very well, as long as there is enough precipitation and the weather is overall balanced. As long as you mow and rake the lawn properly and amend the soil before adding the seeds, you’ll be well on your way towards a green and lush lawn. However, don’t forget to add a good amount of organic, slow release fertilizer for a great organic lawn care process to your new seeds to help them grow.


Once you figure out how much you need to water your lawn to achieve best results depending on how much sunlight you get and whether or not a large part of the water evaporates, you should have a firm grasp on your lawn’s natural growth and help it grow into becoming lush and green.

The post Should You Really Think About Overseeding to Get a Greener Lawn? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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