Should You Think About Reseeding Every Spring or Just Tend to Your Existing Grass?

Many homeowners tend to reseed their lawns after the passing of winter. While this isn’t necessarily bad practice, it can be more trouble than it’s worth, as the lawn you seed has to be tended to more carefully, and you’re basically going back to the drawing board with it.Think Spring Butterfly Lawn Care Colorful Beautiful


The existing lawn you have might still be healthy. The best thing to do is check on it in the spring and make sure that a large portion of the lawn is not covered in brown spots and that it is still alive and well. Once you’ve established that, it’s just a matter of pulling out weeds clearing away dead leaves and debris, and making sure your lawn is well fed, mowed down and watered properly.


Now, if the lawn has gone brown or seems to be dead for the most part, you can replace it and overseed to grow it back. Also, you can consider patching up some of the areas where the lawn has died.  The best thing to do is treat the soil by applying really good lawn care products that amend the soil.


To prevent such problems from arising again, make sure that you treat your lawn properly in the late autumn. Some of the best practices should include aerating your lawn, reducing the amount of water you feed it with, adding a good amount of winter fertilizer, covering your lawn and adding mulch to offer improved protection.

The post Should You Think About Reseeding Every Spring or Just Tend to Your Existing Grass? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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