What Is the Best Time of Day for Lawn Care?

When you want to take proper care of your lawn, it’s essential that you know the best times for watering, mowing and tending to your lawn without damaging or weakening it. Without having this knowledge, you could end up with a poorly chosen schedule that will have your lawn become easily damaged or vulnerable to pests.

First let’s take a look at the watering process. Your lawn will need to be watered at the right time to ensure that it retains just the right amount of water. That means avoiding times when the water would easily evaporate, such as in the middle of the day. Instead, aim to water your lawn either after 5 PM or before 10 AM, when the sun is not as strong as during noon or afternoon periods.

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Mowing your lawn at the right time is also very essential. You’ll want to mow your lawn generally before watering it or at a time when you don’t plan to water it any time soon, and the grass blades are dry. That way, they won’t clump together, which would be bad both for the grass and for your lawn mower.  After mowing is a great time to apply an organic liquid fertilizer with water to help your lawn through the hot summer months.


Also, it’s important to avoid periods of extreme heat when mowing your lawn. When you mow the grass it can become more vulnerable to the heat, so it could lose its color and become damaged over time.

The post What Is the Best Time of Day for Lawn Care? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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