Figuring Out the Best Grass Seeds to Use for a Dry Climate

When you live in a dry climate, you have to make sure that the grass you plant for populating your lawn will be suited to the general weather conditions in the area. If there is no much precipitation, you can usually try to compensate by watering your lawn more frequently, but even that won’t work too much when you’re dealing with cool weather grasses that have shallow roots and prefer heightened humidity levels.


The first step you need to make is to learn more about your local climate. Is it dry and hot or dry and cold? The latter is possible too, as cold dry winters for example are common in areas such as Western Colorado. On the other hand, dry summers are far more common, and they can cause cool weather grasses to become brown and dry out fairly quickly.


Consider warm season grass seeds like Bermuda grass and Zoysia grass for areas like the Deep South, where temperatures are hotter all year round, and you can also experience mild winters and a fall season or two with very little precipitation, and with every grass apply the best lawn fertilizer each season.


Drought-tolerant grasses, on the other hand, are better suited for areas with dry summers even if the climate in the area is not as hot. In such climates, however, you might also want to consider grasses like tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, both of which can withstand dry spells and cold temperatures.

The post Figuring Out the Best Grass Seeds to Use for a Dry Climate appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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