How Frequently Should You Water Your Lawn on Really Hot Days?


When it gets really hot in the summer, it stands to reason that you have to water your lawn more frequently. However, as the warmest months of summer start to arrive, you have to be careful that you don’t water your lawn too much or too little. The result of both can be disastrous, as your grass roots might end up being drowned (especially if the soil contains a greater percentage of clay), or your lawn might not get enough nutrients so it’ll end up drying up.drought tolerant grass revive products to use


A general rule of thumb, as presented by most gardening experts, is that you should always provide your drought tolerant grass with revive products and about 1 to 1.5 inches of water each and every week. While this isn’t a requirement for colder summers and months when it keeps raining, it is essential to make sure your soil gets that much water each and every week, whether it rains or not.


As a result, you might need to pay close attention to the amount of precipitation that hits your area each week. Also, keep track of how quickly the water evaporates once the sun comes out. That factor can be influenced by increased dryness or humidity, so don’t think that just because it took a couple of days to evaporate when humidity levels were high, the same will happen every time.

The post How Frequently Should You Water Your Lawn on Really Hot Days? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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