How Often Should You Cut Your Grass During the Summer Months?

Although taking care of your lawn should be an important activity all year round (and yes, that includes winter), the summertime is a little more special because of the increased heat and the grass’ greater ability to grow and regenerate due to sun exposure. In the summer, watering and mowing your lawn should be done more frequently to make up for the increased water absorption and tendency to grow that your grass goes through.

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In most cases, gardening experts will recommend that you mow your lawn once every 3 to 5 weeks during the fall or spring and establishing a good organic lawn care regimen. That’s mainly because the rate of growth of your grass could be slower. Because of the drop in temperature, the growth rate drops even more in the winter, and because the cold makes it more fragile, it’s recommended that you don’t mow your lawn at all during that time.


In the summer it’s the complete opposite. As the grass grows faster, being triggered by the sun to increase its growth rate, it will also require more watering. The need for frequent watering will further be precipitated by the fact that the water tends to evaporate faster. In terms of how often you should cut your grass, however, the tendency is to do it once every two weeks during the summer months.


That period is the shortest recommended one, but it can be extended to the months of May and September as well, especially in areas where summer temperatures start to arise as early as the end of April, and the autumn doesn’t really come before the end of September.

The post How Often Should You Cut Your Grass During the Summer Months? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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