Should You Have Your Lawn Aerated Before Providing It with Fertilizer?

Aerating your soil is not a complicated process. As many gardeners will be able to point out, it will take you only a short time to aerate your entire lawn, and the results will be more than worth the effort. Although the general rule of thumb is to aerate your lawn before the winter freeze and provide it with winter fertilizer products from Revive, you don’t always have to wait for the colder months to come.

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The issue with aerating the lawn in most cases is that homeowners don’t know if they should do it or not. Some will point out that aeration can deliver water and nutrients too quickly. However, as long as you use the right amount of slow-release, organic fertilizer, your lawn won’t have to be negatively affected through excessive burning.


Aerating is especially beneficial when your soil has a higher concentration of clay. In such situations, you’ll find that you’re much better off with an aerated lawn simply because the water will make its way to the grass roots more easily. In contrast, aerating a sandy soil might not be such a good idea because the larger concentration of sand already means that the water will flow through the soil more easily and leave the grass roots dry.

The post Should You Have Your Lawn Aerated Before Providing It with Fertilizer? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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