Does Dog Urine Damage My Grass More In The Summer?

Due to its high nitrogen content, dog urine can do a lot of damage to your lawn. Despite the fact that nitrogen typically is a good thing for your lawn, if applied in excess and, of course, not diluted in water, nitrogen can definitely burn and scorch your lawn.

dog urine brown spots on grass acidic

A very good way of combating this is to sow hardy grass seeds. There are mixes of seeds which were created especially for solving this lawn-related problem, so you can try using such products to have a beautiful, lush lawn, while also enjoying the company of your beloved pet.

Another good idea would be to train your dog to urinate only on a certain spot of your yard, which could be like a toilet for him/her.

Dog urine damage can be more visible on grass which was already affected by summer heat. In this respect, a good solution would be to give your dog more water to drink, so that the level of nitrogen in its urine can get more diluted and thus be less harmful for your lawn. Or you can spray water over urine spots soon after your dog has urinated on your lawn or find advice on how to bring back dead grass from dog urine quickly. Another potential solution is to plant types of grass which are more resistant to high levels of nitrogen.


The post Does Dog Urine Damage My Grass More In The Summer? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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