Quick Cover Ups For Brown Patches In My Lawn

Brown patches are caused by a number of factors, which include chemicals, fungus, drought, lack of fertilization, and so on. Despite the fact that fixing brown patches on lawn is not so difficult, you should take into account the best recommendations and procedures for making your grass grow again.

brown patches cover ups green lawn care


The first thing to do is remove any debris that is to be found on your brown patches. Than make sure you are not using too much fertilizer. Improving the air circulation in your soil may be yet another excellent idea. This can help reduce humidity, which makes brown patches less likely to appear on your lawn.


In order to aerate your soil, you can make a few holes in it with the help of a fork. Moreover, you can find many types of aerators available on the market, which can be of great help, too. In case your soil is very poor, you could try to enrich it with compost or other forms of organic matter.


Once you have loosened the soil, you can start scattering seeds over it. Then you can use fertilizer which was designed especially for new grass. After that you can mulch and water it. Regardless of the way you patch, it is essential to keep the soil moist until the plants start to grow.



The post Quick Cover Ups For Brown Patches In My Lawn appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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