Should I Fertilize My Grass In The Summer?

Although it may seem difficult to keep your lawn in a good state in the summer, it is not impossible to do that. All you need to do is get the basic details.

What Should I Do Fertilize Organic Lawn Green Lush

First of all, it is recommended to fertilize your grass in early summer. This causes the so-called warm-season grass to grow. Nevertheless, in case you apply too much fertilizer, there can be the risk of burning your lawn unless you use an organic liquid fertilizer that won’t burn your grass. If you want to fertilize cool-season type of grass, the best time to do that is in the spring and in the fall season.

Another good idea is to mow high. This encourages your grass to develop strong roots and better resist extreme temperatures. Sharpening your blades can be another excellent tip. It is important to remember that mower blades usually remain sharp for about 10 hours of mowing.

Applying a grub control product may be yet another good step to take for protecting your grass during the hot season, especially if you notice June bugs, Japanese beetles or European chafers.

At any rate, you may be wondering whether you should fertilize or destroy weeds first. Of course, you should start by getting rid of unwanted weeds, and then you can start with the fertilizer.

The post Should I Fertilize My Grass In The Summer? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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