How to Make Your Grass Green and Healthy


Making your grass greener doesn’t always depend on simply giving it enough water and sunlight. Depending on the type of grass you used for your lawn and a variety of other factors, such as your soil’s pH and ability to retain water, as well as the fertilizer you use, your grass could turn out to be more or less healthy.  Here is how to make grass green using organic fertilizers at the right grass healthy vibrant how to


The main idea to consider here is that the grass associated with your lawn will require a carefully calibrated environment. Sometimes you might even have to compensate for bad weather or the specific peculiarities of your local climate, if you want your lawn to be really healthy, lush and green.


Start by replacing all your chemical-based fertilizer with slow-release, organic fertilizer. You can also work on balancing the pH of your soil. First you’ll have to test it to see if it’s too acidic or alkaline, then simply add natural acidic or alkaline substances to it in order to balance it. Finally, make sure the soil doesn’t contain too much sand or clay, and that it has the right amount of nutrients.


You can replenish overly sandy or clay-like soil with additional soil brought from another location prior to seeding your lawn. Also, it may be a good idea to establish a clear schedule for watering and fertilizing your lawn throughout the year, based on the local climate and on the type of grass you’ve used to seed the lawn.

The post How to Make Your Grass Green and Healthy appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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