Is Seeding Drought Tolerant Grass Really Effective When the Weather Gets Dry?

When the weather gets too warm and dry, such as it does when you live in an area with a warm, continental climate, you have to compensate for the poor conditions by protecting your garden plants and your lawn. Watering, using sod and balancing your soil’s pH are just some of the methods through which you can do all that. However, sometimes the problem is simply that the weather gets too dry, and your lawn can’t survive it.

drought tolerant grass seed


In an overly dry area like some parts of Colorado, it’s usually recommended that you should seed drought tolerant grass species in order to eliminate the problem from its root. Tall fescue, zyosia and Saint Augustinegrass (especially popular in warmer areas) are among the most important and well-known types of drought tolerant grasses you can use.


The reason why these grasses are so well-known is that their metabolism differs greatly from regular grass types. They require less water, and can maintain their green appearance longer. Some of them are also much tougher and require less care, making them ideal when a drought hits and you have to avoid using too much water to replenish the soil for your lawn. The result will be a greener and healthier lawn all year round, as well as less of a need to overseed or water your lawn excessively.

The post Is Seeding Drought Tolerant Grass Really Effective When the Weather Gets Dry? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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