Organic Lawn Care Products That Will Keep Your Lawn Healthy

When it comes to gardening and lawn care, it’s about a lot more than just watering your lawn regularly. The use of proper lawn care products can mean the difference between a diseased and dying lawn, and one that will withstand even the harshest of conditions without much damage.

Revive Organic Lawn Care Products


Consider the following organic and natural lawn care products from Revive of Denver you can use without damaging your lawn:


  • Natural soil fungicides are very important to use when your lawn was affected by a fungus and has developed brown spots. Fungal brown spots are much more difficult to get rid of than regular brown spots resulting from pet urine, and in many cases they require the use of special fungicide products.
  • Slow release, natural, organic fertilizer is also very important for the natural growth of your lawn. Instead of using chemical based compounds that can greatly harm your lawn and your soil, experts recommend that an organic, slow-release fertilizer be used to protect and strengthen the grass blades, as well as prevent burning the lawn with too many nutrients going into the soil all at once.
  • Natural insecticides and pesticides can include such products as neem oil, cili pepper and tomato leaf sprays, as well as all-in-one spray products that can be used on a variety of plants and grasses. These sprays are used for getting rid of unwanted pests and insects while keeping your grass intact.

The post Organic Lawn Care Products That Will Keep Your Lawn Healthy appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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