Can You Train Your Dog to Prevent Brown Spots on Your Lawn?

Many people believe that they can not train their dogs to prevent them from urinating on their lawn. Others think that it’s simply not something that they should think about, as it’s natural for a dog to want to go on the grass, and it shouldn’t do much harm anyway, right?trained dog no brown spots in grass from urine


Wrong! Dogs actually cause a lot of problems when they urinate on the lawn, especially when the grass is somewhat sensitive and prone to catch diseases easily due to environmental stressors. Dog urine contains too much nitrogen for the grass to resist, and it causes something known as browning. As such, the brown spots in grass tend to form in many areas of your lawn, and you’ll find it very difficult to nurse the grass back to health. In some cases, brown spots can lead to patches of your lawn dying and having to be re-seeded or replaced with sod.


Fortunately, training your dog to avoid the lawn shouldn’t be too difficult. You can consider conditioning him or her with food and creating a conditioning where your pooch knows that they won’t get a treat if they go on the lawn. Another method is setting up obstacles such as a small fence or even an invisible electric or sonic fence that will discourage the dog from approaching the lawn (keep in mind, sonic fences only work for shy and timid dogs).


Over time, you’ll find that even without the fence your dog will find other areas to urinate that are a safe distance away from the lawn.

The post Can You Train Your Dog to Prevent Brown Spots on Your Lawn? appeared first on Revive Lawn Care Products.


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